Three Tips for Choosing the Right Employment Lawyer


My name is Thushara Polpitiye. I'm an employment lawyer from Astute HR. We help employers protect their businesses, and employees protect their right. What I'd like to talk to you today is about the tips for choosing the right employment lawyer.

Now, good employment lawyers, they'll have knowledge, but what you want is knowledge and know how. Knowledge means they are like a warehouse of information, an encyclopedia, but what you want is, somebody who can apply that law to solve your situation. So knowledge and know how is the first thing.

Second thing are fees. Most lawyers will charge by the hour. So, you are paying for their time, rather than their value. So, what you need are fixed price solutions. Certainty of cost, certainty of delivery, knowing what you are paying for your money.

The third thing is lawyers that care about their clients. Good lawyers care about their clients, but great lawyers own their problem. They make your problem, their problem. They resolve it, to do whatever it takes to make you succeed.

Watch the series of videos that we're doing, to see how we can help you with more useful tips.

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