How to Deal with Harassment Claims in the Workplace
I would like to talk to you about in this video is dealing with harassment claims. Harassment is unwanted conduct on the ground of a protected characteristic like sex, race, religion, disability, and so on, which has the purpose or effect of creating an environment that is violating somebody's dignity or creating a humiliating offensive environment essentially. That means the purpose or effect essentially means that it doesn't require the intention of the person to harass. It only has to make them feel that way. It's important to understand and make sure your staff understand what is or what is not acceptable behavior.
The way to protect yourself are to have policies in place that set out exactly what the rules are, the rules of behavior, the rules of engagement, so that people know how they are expected to operate, how they are expected to behave. They should also be aware that if that training's in place from the employer, the the employee themselves are held personally liable for that behavior. It doesn't just pass onto the employer.
For more tips on dealing with employment law or HR problems, please do check out our video series.